
Introduction to Workflow Decision Nodes

A Decision Node is used to branch a Workflow Process based on a condition.

The specific outbound link the Workflow Job follows is determined by the Decision Node's script, which can be edited by double clicking on the node.

The value of the NEXT_STEP system variable (system.variables.$NEXT_STEP.value) can be used to specify the desired outbound link to follow. Names of outbound Links from Decision Nodes must be changed from their defaults.

The following is an example of a Decision Node script:

if(fields.price.value > 500) {
  system.variables.$NEXT_STEP.value = "manualApproval";
  system.variables.$NEXT_STEP.value = "automaticApproval";

A Decision Node executes in the context of the job and has access to Process Attributes, Tables, and Resources as well as access to the JavaScript Workflow API.