
RestServices provides static methods that provide methods to access REST services. Each HTTP method is available as a method call:
e.g HTTP GET has a corresponding method of get(String uri)

RestServices Functions

accessMethods RestServices.accessMethods( uri [, authentication ] [, options ] ) Returns an array of available HTTP methods to a resource after a HTTP OPTIONS call.
delete RestServices.delete( uri [, headers , parameters ] [, authentication ] [, options ] [, body ] ) Performs a REST HTTP DELETE call and returns the HTTP response code.
get RestServices.get( uri [, headers , parameters ] [, authentication ] [, options ] [, body ] ) Performs a REST HTTP GET call supplying any request headers and/or parameters.
head RestServices.head( uri [, headers , parameters ] [, authentication ] [, options ] [, body ] ) Performs a REST HTTP HEAD call on a resource.
getLocalUrlBase RestServices.getLocalUrlBase( ) Returns a base URL to invoke a RESTful service on this server using localhost i.e.
options RestServices.options( uri [, authentication ] [, options ] ) Performs a REST HTTP OPTIONS call and returns the HTTP response code.
patch RestServices.patch( uri , body [, headers , parameters ] [, authentication ] [, options ] ) Performs a REST HTTP PATCH call supplying any headers and/or parameters required.
post uri , body [, headers , parameters ] [, authentication ] [, options ] ) Performs a REST HTTP POST call supplying any headers and/or parameters required.
put RestServices.put( uri , body [, headers , parameters ] [, authentication ] [, options ] ) Performs a REST HTTP PUT call supplying any headers and/or parameters required.