
Returns a single attribute associated with a user from the Ldap Registry identified by properties in the XIldap.properties file file.

The returned array contains one value for each occurrence of the property in the registry. When a property only occurs once, this array will only contain a single value.

This method works in the same way as #getUserAttributes(String, String, String, boolean) except that values for only one attribute are returned.

Javascript example:

 var root = "OU=Ebase Users and Groups,DC=ebasetech,DC=com";
 var userAttr = "sAMAccountName";
 var attrs = LdapServices.getUserAttribute(system.securityManager.userName, "mail", root, userAttr, false);
 if (attrs.length > 0)
   var email = attrs[0];

returns UNKNOWNjava.lang.String[]


java.lang.String  userName,  java.lang.String  attributeName,  java.lang.String  baseDistinguishedName,  java.lang.String  userKeyAttributeName,  boolean  removeDomainNameFromUser,