
The SystemVariables interface acts as a parent object for all system variables, LDAP variables and environment variables (in fact, all variable names that begin with a $).

System Variables are special system related values that are normally read only. For a list of available system variables and whether the value can be changed, please see the online documentation.

LDAP Variables are special variables that contain specific values for each signed-on user that have been extracted from an LDAP repository. These can be configured when LDAP based security is used. Note that these LDAP Variables are a legacy feature, that have been superceded by the support for user credentials.

Environment Variables provide the ability to configure server specific variables via the application server's web.xml file. For further details, see the online documentation.

Individual variables are accessed using their system variable name.


 var fn = system.variables.$FILE_NAME.value;
 var url = system.variables.$ENV_PAYMENT_ENGINE_URL.value;

SystemVariables Functions

getSystemVariable SystemVariables.getSystemVariable( variableName ) Returns the SystemVariable with name variableName.