
RESTfulService Functions

getEndpointPath RESTfulService.getEndpointPath( ) Returns the name of the Enpoint path used to invoke the RESTful web service.
getPathParameter RESTfulService.getPathParameter( parameter ) Returns a path parameter based on the configured endpoint path parameter.
getRequestHeader RESTfulService.getRequestHeader( header ) Returns a request header by a specific name.
getRequestParameter RESTfulService.getRequestParameter( parameter ) Returns a parameter by a specific name.
getMethod RESTfulService.getMethod( ) Returns the HTTP Method e.g POST, GET etc..
getPathParameters RESTfulService.getPathParameters( ) Returns all of the HTTP path parameters configured on the endpoint path as a JavaScript object Further documentation.
readBasicAuthenticationCredentials RESTfulService.readBasicAuthenticationCredentials( ) Returns the from the HTTP Basic Access Authentication.
removeResponseHeader RESTfulService.removeResponseHeader( name ) Removes a response header by name Further documentation.
getRequestBody RESTfulService.getRequestBody( ) Returns the request body.
getRequestContentType RESTfulService.getRequestContentType( ) Returns the HTTP request content type Further documentation.
getRequestHeaders RESTfulService.getRequestHeaders( ) Returns all of the HTTP request headers as a JavaScript object Further documentation.
getRequestParameters RESTfulService.getRequestParameters( ) Returns all of the HTTP parameters as a JavaScript object Further documentation.
setResponseBody RESTfulService.setResponseBody( responseBody ) Sets the response body
setResponseContentType RESTfulService.setResponseContentType( contentType ) Sets the HTTP response content type Further documentation.
setResponseStatus RESTfulService.setResponseStatus( status ) Sets the response status e.g 200 for OK
setResponseHeader RESTfulService.setResponseHeader( name , value ) Sets a response header by name and value.