
ContainerControl is one these types:


The ContainerControl interface is implemented by all controls that can act as a container i.e. they can contain other controls.

ContainerControl Functions

getChildControls ContainerControl.getChildControls( ) Returns an array of controls that are immediate children of this control.

Control Functions

addCssClass ContainerControl.addCssClass( cssClass ) Adds one or more CSS classes to the list of classes applied to the control, retaining any existing classes.
getAll ContainerControl.getAll( ) Returns a control object of the same type as the control object on which this method is invoked, that gives access to all occurrences of this control on the page.
isContainer ContainerControl.isContainer( ) Returns true if this control is a container control i.e.
getCssClass ContainerControl.getCssClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the control.
setCssClass ContainerControl.setCssClass( cssClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the control.
isDisplayOnly ContainerControl.isDisplayOnly( ) Returns true if the control is marked as display only, otherwise returns false.
setDisplayOnly ContainerControl.setDisplayOnly( displayOnly ) Marks the control and all its children as display only (when displayOnly is true) or enterable (when displayOnly is false).
isDisplayOnlyIncludingParents ContainerControl.isDisplayOnlyIncludingParents( ) Returns true if the control or any of its parents is marked as display only, otherwise returns false.
getErrorMsgClass ContainerControl.getErrorMsgClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setErrorMsgClass ContainerControl.setErrorMsgClass( errorMsgClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
getErrorMsgStyle ContainerControl.getErrorMsgStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setErrorMsgStyle ContainerControl.setErrorMsgStyle( errorMsgStyle ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
isEventField ContainerControl.isEventField( ) Returns true if the control is an event field i.e.
hasModifier ContainerControl.hasModifier( modifier ) Returns true if the control has the specified modifier, otherwise returns false.
isHidden ContainerControl.isHidden( ) Returns true if the control is marked as hidden, otherwise returns false.
setHidden ContainerControl.setHidden( hidden ) Hides or shows the control and all its children.
hide ContainerControl.hide( ) Hides the control, this is equivalent to setting property hidden to true.
getInfoMsgClass ContainerControl.getInfoMsgClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setInfoMsgClass ContainerControl.setInfoMsgClass( infoMsgClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
getInfoMsgStyle ContainerControl.getInfoMsgStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setInfoMsgStyle ContainerControl.setInfoMsgStyle( infoMsgStyle ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
isInheritMsg ContainerControl.isInheritMsg( ) Returns true if Use parent control setting is checked in the Message Options properties for the control, otherwise returns false.
getLayoutCell ContainerControl.getLayoutCell( ) Returns the LayoutCell object which can be used to override properties of the parent control's layout as applied to this control.
isLocalMsg ContainerControl.isLocalMsg( ) Returns true if Local Message is checked in the Message Options properties for the control, otherwise returns false.
isNewLine ContainerControl.isNewLine( ) Returns the new line property.
setNewLine ContainerControl.setNewLine( newLine ) Sets or unsets the control's new line property.
getNextSiblingControl ContainerControl.getNextSiblingControl( ) Returns the control that appears after this control within the same parent, or null if no such control exists.
getPage ContainerControl.getPage( ) Returns the com.ebasetech.xi.api.Page where this control is located.
getParentControl ContainerControl.getParentControl( ) Returns this control's parent control or null if no such parent exists.
getPreviousSiblingControl ContainerControl.getPreviousSiblingControl( ) Returns the control that appears before this control within the same parent, or null if no such control exists.
refresh ContainerControl.refresh( ) Refreshes this control in the user's browser when the page is next displayed.
removeCssClass ContainerControl.removeCssClass( cssClass ) Removes one or more CSS classes from the control.
requestFocus ContainerControl.requestFocus( ) Sets the browser focus to the control.
getRootHtmlElementProperties ContainerControl.getRootHtmlElementProperties( ) Return the root com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.HtmlElementProperties for the Control
show ) Shows the control, this is equivalent to setting property hidden to false.
isShowing ContainerControl.isShowing( ) Returns true if the control will be included in the web page when it's next displayed to the user, otherwise returns false.
getStyle ContainerControl.getStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for the control.
setStyle ContainerControl.setStyle( style ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to the control.
getWarningMsgClass ContainerControl.getWarningMsgClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setWarningMsgClass ContainerControl.setWarningMsgClass( warningMsgClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
getWarningMsgStyle ContainerControl.getWarningMsgStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setWarningMsgStyle ContainerControl.setWarningMsgStyle( warningMsgStyle ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.

MessageContainer Functions

addErrorMessage ContainerControl.addErrorMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user.
addErrorMessage ContainerControl.addErrorMessage( messageNo [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user.
addErrorMessageText ContainerControl.addErrorMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
addInfoMessage ContainerControl.addInfoMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an information message that will be displayed to the user.
addInfoMessageText ContainerControl.addInfoMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an info message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
addWarningMessage ContainerControl.addWarningMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user.
addWarningMessage ContainerControl.addWarningMessage( messageNo [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user.
addWarningMessageText ContainerControl.addWarningMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
existErrorMessages ContainerControl.existErrorMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existInfoMessages ContainerControl.existInfoMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed info messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existMessages ContainerControl.existMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed info, warning or error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existWarningMessages ContainerControl.existWarningMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed warning messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.

Element Functions

getElementName ContainerControl.getElementName( ) Returns the element name
getElementType ContainerControl.getElementType( ) Returns the element type