
Sets border radius. Up to four values can be specified (see examples below) corresponding to the border corner radius for the top left, top right, bottom right and bottom left corners respectively.

Note that it is not possible to set vertical radii properties (as is possible with the CSS3 border-radius property).

Setting this property to null removes any existing value.

Border radius is implemented using a combination of the CSS3 border-radius property and a mix of non-standard CSS properties for older browsers that do not support border-radius. Although CSS3 is not yet fully released, the part of the specification containing the border-radius property is considered stable. For Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8, the CSS3 PIE plugin is used. This property is supported by all browsers supported by Ebase Xi with the exception of Opera 10.0, where it is ignored and square borders will be shown.

Further documentation.


 // set corners: top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left 
 controls.PANEL1.borderRadius = "20px 40px 40px 80px";
 // set top left and bottom right corners to 20px, top right and bottom left borders to 40px
 controls.PANEL1.borderRadius = "20px, 40px";
 // set all corners to a radius of 20px
 controls.PANEL1.borderRadius = "20px";


java.lang.String  borderRadius,