
The Client interface provides information and methods pertaining to the client browser, including access to the request and response objects, methods to create and read cookies, and information on the capabilities of the client browser.

Client Functions

addCookie Client.addCookie( cookieName , cookieValue , age ) Adds a cookie to the response object.
addCookie Client.addCookie( cookie ) Adds a cookie to the response object.
isBackButtonUsed Client.isBackButtonUsed( ) Returns true if the user has clicked the back button immediately prior to the request currently being processed.
isChrome Client.isChrome( ) Returns true when the client browser is Chrome, otherwise returns false.
createCookie Client.createCookie( cookieName , cookieValue , age ) Creates a javax.servlet.http.Cookie but does NOT add the cookie to the response object.
isEdge Client.isEdge( ) Returns true when the client browser is MS Edge, otherwise returns false.
isFirefox Client.isFirefox( ) Returns true when the client browser is Firefox, otherwise returns false.
getFormSession Client.getFormSession( ) Returns a FormSession object which represents a single browser window, usually a separate tab within the clilent browser.
getCookieValue Client.getCookieValue( cookieName ) Returns the value of the named cookie or null if the cookie does not exist.
getHttpSession Client.getHttpSession( ) Returns the HttpSession object representing the client browser session.
isIE Client.isIE( ) Returns true when the client browser is MS Internet Explorer, otherwise returns false.
getIEVersion Client.getIEVersion( ) Returns the MS Internet Explorer version.
isJavascriptUsed Client.isJavascriptUsed( ) Returns true if Javascript is currently being used.
isMobile Client.isMobile( ) Returns true when the client browser is a mobile phone.
isOpera Client.isOpera( ) Returns true when the client browser is Opera, otherwise returns false.
getRequest Client.getRequest( ) Returns the HttpServletRequest object for the user request.
getResponse Client.getResponse( ) Returns the HttpServletResponse object used to send a response to the user.
isSafari Client.isSafari( ) Returns true when the client browser is Safari, otherwise returns false.
isSecure Client.isSecure( ) Returns a boolean indicating whether this request was made using a secure channel, such as HTTPS.
supportsCookies Client.supportsCookies( ) Returns false if cookies are disabled on the client browser, otherwise returns true.
supportsJavascript Client.supportsJavascript( ) Returns false if Javascript is disabled on the client browser, otherwise returns true.
getUserAgent Client.getUserAgent( ) Returns the user-agent request header.
getWebappUrlBase Client.getWebappUrlBase( ) Returns a base URL to access the root of the current web application i.e.