Data Connectors

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Data Connectors 1

Introduction. 1

Creating Data Connectors 1

New Data Connectors 4

Data Connector Template. 4

Example Data Connector Script 6

Downloading Data Connectors from the Resource Hub. 7

Using Data Connectors 7


See Also: Server Admin Configuration, Data Connectors View, JavaScript API, Form Editor




Data Connectors allow interaction with a specific web service that is typically a non-UI based REST service.


Using Data Connector’s provides a clear programmable JavaScript interface that abstracts the both the communication and data objects with the service. Data Connectors are a separate entity, represented by the  icon. A new Data Connector provides an initial template that can be customised with specific methods and variables that reflect the purpose of the service call. A Data Connector is reusable across any number of Forms throughout the application using a customised JavaScript implementation using a familiar JavaScript API function and object notation. Data Connectors are written using the server side JavaScript API and are easily accessed using the Data Connectors API.


Data Connectors are added to a Form’s or Component’s Data Connectors View. They can then be accessed in any of the Forms or Components server events, including server events from their Pages and Controls, using the JavaScript API.



Creating Data Connectors

Data Connectors are created by selecting File > New > Data Connector from the main menu or right clicking the Entity Tree and selecting New > Data Connector.



The Data Connector Dialog can either download a Data Connector from the Resource Hub or create a new one.



Name: Name of the Data Connector.


Download from the Resource Hub: Select one of the ready made Data Connectors. By selecting a Data Connector, a preview of the Connector will be shown below the selection panel with a description that describes the Data Connector and its implementation. The preview also show the server Supported Versions.


The View in Hub hyperlink launches an external webpage in a web browser to the Resource Hub. This webpage contains additional information, including configuration and usage instructions, for the selected Data Connector.




New Data Connectors

When a new Data Connector is created an initial template is automatically created, consisting of the following:



New Data Connectors are added to the connectors.dataconnectors JavaScript API namespace, for example connectors.dataconnectors.myDataConnector.



Data Connector Template

Creating a new data Connector named vehicleEnquiryService generates the following JavaScript stub:






 * A Data Connector to interact with a target REST Service.


 * Usage:

 *    1. Create a Data Connector Configuration for vehicleEnquiryService in the target Server's Administration Application.

 *       Define both an 'apikey' and a 'baseUri' property.

 *    2. Create functions in this Data Connector to perform actions against the target REST Service.

 *    3. Add the Data Connector to the Resources View of Entities that need to connect to the target REST Service.

 *    4. Call your created functions in the server-side event script of those entites.

 *        For example: connectors.dataconnectors.vehicleEnquiryService.myFunction();


 * Detailed Data Connector configuration examples be found in the Resource Hub's Tutorials section at



// Add this Data Connector to the JavaScript API

if (!connectors.dataconnectors.vehicleEnquiryService) {    

      connectors.dataconnectors.vehicleEnquiryService = new vehicleEnquiryService();




 * The Data Connector definition.


function vehicleEnquiryService() {


      // Load this Data Connector's Data Connector Configuration.

      const __config = connectors.getConfig("vehicleEnquiryService");


      // Set the base URL for the target RESTful Web Service from the Connector's Data Connector Configuration.

      const __baseUri = __config.baseUri;


      // Set the API key for the target RESTful Web Service from the Connector's Data Connector Configuration.

      var __key = __config.apikey;


      // Configure this Data Connector as RESTful DataConnector, passing in the base URL for the target RESTful Web Service.

      const restDataConnector = connectors.createRESTDataConnector(__baseUri);




       * Example function.


       * Performs a GET on an endpoint of the RESTful Web Service.


       * Example use:

       *    var result = connectors.dataconnectors.vehicleEnquiryService.myFunction();


       * @return {object} API Response object


      this.myFunction = function() {


            // Construct a URL to the endpoint to call.

            const uri = restDataConnector.createUri('theEndpoint');


            // Perform a GET request on that endpoint.

            return restDataConnector.get(uri);




The function myFunction should be replaced with something meaningful to the service purpose.



Example Data Connector Script

This example Data Connector interacts with a vehicle information web service to get its details based on its registration number.



 * Vehicle Enquiry Service (VES)


function vehicleEnquiryService() {


      // Load this Data Connector's Data Connector Configuration.

      const __config = connectors.getConfig("vehicleEnquiryService");


      // Set the base URL for the target RESTful Web Service from the Connector's Data Connector Configuration.

      const __baseUri = __config.baseUri;


      // Set the API key for the target RESTful Web Service from the Connector's Data Connector Configuration.

      var __key = __config.apikey;


      // Configure this Data Connector as RESTful DataConnector, passing in the base URL for the target RESTful Web Service.

      const restDataConnector = connectors.createRESTDataConnector(__baseUri);


      // This REST service requires the API key to be added as an ‘x-api-key’ header.

      restDataConnector.setDefaultHeader("x-api-key", __key);




       * Vehicle Enquiry function.


       * Performs a POST to the Government Vehicle Enquiry Service


       * Example use:

       *    var resp = connectors.dataconnectors.vehicleEnquiryService.vehicleEnquiry("TE57 VRN");


       * @return {object} API Response object


      this.vehicleEnquiry  = function(registrationNumber) {


            var req = {"registrationNumber": registrationNumber};


            // Construct a URL to the endpoint to call.

            const uri = restDataConnector.createUri('vehicles');


            // Perform a GET request on that endpoint.

            return, req);





Downloading Data Connectors from the Resource Hub

When a Data Connector is downloaded from the Resource Hub it is added to the connectors.verjio JavaScript API namespace.


Before a downloaded Data Connector can be used an API key (or other credentials) for the target web service typically need to be configured, in the Data Connectors section of the Server Administration Application. The Resource Hub contains instructions about how to configure each available Data Connector.



Using Data Connectors

Data Connectors are added to Data Connectors View in the Form or Component Editor.


When added, the Form’s and Component’s server side events (including events from its Pages and Controls) can use the JavaScript API to interact with those Data Connectors.


For example, add the following to a Button Control’s on-click event to run a vehicle enquiry using the vehicleEnquiryService Data Connector:


// call vehicle enquiry function

var resp = connectors.dataconnectors.vehicleEnquiryService.vehicleEnquiry(fields.registration.value);


//set field values from the response object

fields.taxDueDate.value = resp.taxDueDate;

fields.engineCapacity.value = resp.engineCapacity;

fields.motExpiryDate.value = resp.motExpiryDate;